FOR ALL OUR SINS Paperbacks!

My editor, Clio Cornish, with the first few copies!

OK,  so the paperback isn’t out until October, but LOOK!

They arrived in the publisher’s office yesterday and I can’t wait to get my grubby hands on my copies 😀

My book is in fantastic company here...

My book is in fantastic company here…

These pictures came at the perfect time yesterday.  I’m now editing the first draft of book 3 (which will be having a new title – more on that soon!), before it goes off to my editor and the nagging doubts have crept in as my deadline looms.

If anyone ever thinks that the worries go away and that everything gets easier with the more books you write, you’re wrong! At least where I’m concerned anyway.

I’ll post more of an update when I can, but for now, I just had to share these pictures.

It makes all the early starts, late nights and days spent at the desk worth it all, just to see and hold a physical copy of your book – something you have poured your heart and soul into.